Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare is a horror film written and directed by Scott Jeffrey. It is the third installment in The Twisted Childhood Universe film series that began in 2023. The movie is a horror reimagining of J. M. Barrie's classic work Peter Pan from the early 20th century. It features Peter as a serial killer and Tinker Bell as a recovering drug addict.
The film is produced by Scott Chambers and Rhys Frake-Waterfield, while it is executive produced by Stuart Alson and Nicole Holland. It was released in the United States on January 13, 2025, and is set to release in the United Kingdom on February 24, 2025.
The official synopsis of Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"Wendy Darling encounters a twisted Tinkerbell as she tries to rescue her brother, Michael, from the evil clutches of Peter Pan."
In the film, while Peter kidnaps Michael, he is saved by his sister Wendy and best friend Joey.
In Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare, the titular character is depicted as a circus- clown-turned-serial-killer who kidnaps young children from his shows before sending them to Neverland forever, which is shorthand for murdering them.
His accomplice is the transgender woman, Tinker Bell, a heroin addict who was kidnapped by Peter several years ago and is brainwashed into thinking that the dead children exist peacefully in Neverland.
Wendy Darling's younger brother, Michael, becomes Peter's next victim. He is kidnapped on his birthday and kept hidden in a remote cabin. Later, the psychotic killer goes in search of his best friend, Joey. While investigating Michael's disappearance, Wendy and Joey get to know about Tinker Bell.
At night, Peter enters Joey's home and kidnaps him after killing his family. Wendy follows him back to the location where he has hidden Michael along with another child who has a hook for a hand.
As Wendy confronts Peter, Tinker Bell has a change of heart and intervenes, before getting killed by Peter. Michael attacks him, with Captain Hook delivering the fatal blow.
The full cast list of Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare is mentioned below:
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