Polar Opposites is an upcoming Hallmark film that will premiere on the Hallmark channel on January 11 at 8 pm ET. This Hallmark project is a romantic movie directed by Colin Theys and written by Barbara Kymlicka.
It stars Rhiannon Fish and Markian Tarasiuk in lead roles among others.
David Boyles is the producer for this Hallmark project. Timothy O. Johnson and Joseph Wilka are executive producers, and Lisa Alford is co-executive producer.
1) Rhiannon Fish as Emma
33-year-old Calgary, Canada-born Australian actress Rhiannon Fish, made her debut in the industry after landing the role of Lisa Jeffries in the show Neighbours (1985-present).
Rhiannon Fish has also been in the cast of multiple movies and TV shows, including The 100 (2014-2020), Occupation (2018), The 27-Hour Day (2021), and more.
She plays the lead role of Emma in Polar Opposites. The plot of this hallmark project revolves around Emma’s adventure to the coldest of lands to rescue her dad.
2) Markian Tarasiuk as Andy
Ukrainian-Canadian actor Markian Tarasiuk made his first appearance in Disney’s Bunk (2013) and played the role of Brogan.
Tarasiuk has also been a part of multiple movies and TV shows to date including Christmas Jars (2019), Status Update (2018), 50 States of Fright (2020), and more.
In Polar Opposites, he stars as Andy. As per Hallmark, Andy is an engineer, whom the protagonist Emma meets on a cruise. It is clear from the Hallmark preview that Andy and Emma's developing romance will be a crucial plot point in the film.
3) Maeve Quinlan as Peg
60-year-old Irish-American actress Maeve Quinlan has previously been a part of movies and TV shows like Not Easily Broken (2009), A Magic Christmas (2014), Girltrash (2007), and more. In Polar Opposites, she stars as Peg. More information about this character has not been revealed by Hallmark yet.
4) Dean McDermott as Ian
58-year-old Canadian actor Dean McDermott has previously been a part of movies and TV shows including True Tori (2014), A Christmas Visitor (2002), Housesitter (2007), and more.
He stars as Ian in Polar Opposites. Hallmark hasn’t revealed any information about the character of Ian yet. However, McDermott hyped up the film before its premiere. He posted a few images from the movie on his Instagram on January 5, captioning it:
"Be sure to watch my new movie POLAR OPPOSITES on Saturday Jan 11th on Hallmark 8pm/7c. Starring @rhiannonmfish @marktaras @maevequinlan and yours truly. Love is in the air in the Arctic Circle. ❤️#romance #adventure #penguins #hallmarkchannel"
Emma, the protagonist of this Hallmark movie, must travel to Antarctica to contact her father. She does not, however, possess a permit to enter Antarctica. After arriving in South America, her journey is cut short since she is unable to get a boat for the last leg of her voyage.
Andy, an engineer, is the complete antithesis of Emma. As implied by the official Hallmark preview, Andy will assist Emma on her travels and in locating and contacting her father.
Hallmark describes this film as:
"Emma needs to get to Antarctica to reach her father and travels to South America but can't get on a boat for the last leg. She sneaks onto a cruise ship and meets engineer Andy."
Polar Opposites premieres on the Hallmark channel on Saturday 11 at 8 pm ET.