Directed by Lindsay Hartley, Lifetime’s The Lies We Bury is a mystery thriller based on Virginia Smith’s novel Guilty Secrets. The movie premiered on January 17, 2025, on Lifetime. The story revolves around Rylee Kerrigan, played by Kyla Nova, a young attorney who joins a small pro bono firm after failing to secure a position at a prestigious city law firm.
While sifting through old case files, she discovers a 25-year-old case involving a wrongful conviction. Determined to expose the truth, Rylee collaborates with Scott Stackhouse, her boss’s grandson, who has his own secrets. The film builds suspense as Rylee uncovers dark secrets while navigating danger.
The Lies We Bury was filmed in various scenic locations in Ohio, primarily in the city of Harrison. These sites brought the small-town setting to life, reflecting both its tranquility and hidden suspense. The combination of thrilling storytelling and immersive visuals creates an engaging narrative for viewers.
Harrison, a small and quaint town in Hamilton County located in the southwestern corner of the U.S., served as the ideal backdrop for the film. During production, professional cameras and lighting setups were visible throughout various parts of the city, as several neighborhoods and streets were transformed into film sets.
The town's old brick buildings and main streets provided authentic settings for numerous pivotal scenes, both interior and exterior. The small-town vibe and charm of Harrison, which is part of the Cincinnati metropolitan area, made it a suitable primary production location.
As Harrison is part of the Cincinnati metropolitan area, it's likely that some production activities, such as equipment rentals, crew accommodations, or additional scenes, were facilitated in Cincinnati. The city's infrastructure and resources would have supported the filming process in Harrison, ensuring a smooth production experience.
The choice of these locations not only provided the film with authentic and picturesque settings but also contributed to the local economy and showcased Ohio's potential as a filming destination.
Lifetime's The Lies We Bury is a work of fiction and is not based on a specific true story. Directed by Lindsay Hartley, the movie is adapted from Virginia Smith's novel Guilty Secrets. The narrative follows Rylee Kerrigan, a young attorney who, after failing to secure a position at a prestigious city law firm, joins a small pro bono firm.
There, she discovers a 25-year-old case involving her mother's high school best friend, who was wrongly convicted. Believing there has been a wrongful conviction, Rylee teams up with Scott Stackhouse, her boss's grandson, and starts on an adventure to uncover the truth. Together, they face numerous obstacles and dangers while grappling with the realities of justice and the pursuit of truth.
While the film's storyline is fictional, it reflects some true stories of wrongful convictions, highlighting the systemic failures within the criminal justice system. Specifically, this story can be likened to those of Suzanne Johnson, who spent 21 years in prison after being wrongly convicted and later exonerated, and Sandra Sandy Hemme, who was wrongly incarcerated for 43 years.
These instances emphasize the emotional and societal impact of fighting for justice against overwhelming odds, central themes of the film's plot.
Interested viewers can stream The Lies We Bury on Lifetime.