Snapped, a true crime television show, first aired in 2004 and is produced by Jupiter Entertainment. The series focuses on cases where women face murder charges, exploring their histories, reasons, and what led to their actions. It has become a long-running original series, spanning 33 seasons and 19 years of production.
Each episode tells a single story, featuring interviews with police, lawyers, family, and sometimes the woman who committed the crime. It is known for its gripping narratives and in-depth analysis of why these crimes happen. The show's success has inspired many more true crime shows, solidifying it as a classic in the genre.
Viewers who enjoy Snapped for its focus on women accused of murder will likely appreciate these other shows as well.
Produced by Beyond International Group, Deadly Women is a true crime documentary television series that first premiered in 2008. This series tells the stories of female criminals who have committed murder, exploring the motivations behind these crimes and the methods used.
The show combines dramatic reenactments with expert interviews, captivating viewers. Fans of Snapped will likely appreciate Deadly Women for its similar focus on female perpetrators, as both shows delve into the minds of women who commit these deadly actions.
Created by Paul Dowling, Forensic Files is a television documentary series that premiered in 1996 and is currently in its 21st season. The series highlights the role of forensic science in criminal investigations. It explores real cases solved through scientific forensic techniques that reveal new truths.
Each episode gives an insight into the forensic specialists' activities in cases of complex crimes. Fans of Snapped will enjoy Forensic Files for its approach to solving real-life crimes using cutting-edge forensic science.
Wives with Knives is a crime documentary series that began in 2012. It examines the shocking stories of women who resort to violence, often using knives, against their partners or others. The show explores the motives, circumstances, and psychological factors behind these crimes, including interviews with the victims themselves.
Fans of Snapped will find Wives with Knives appealing for its similar focus on female perpetrators and its gripping storytelling. Both shows offer a fascinating look at the darker side of human behavior and the reasons behind criminal actions.
Evil Lives Here is a true crime documentary series that premiered in 2016. It shows the harrowing stories of individuals who lived alongside loved ones while concealing their evil nature and committing crimes. Each episode features interviews with family members of the highlighted criminals.
Fans of Snapped will appreciate Evil Lives Here for its intense focus on the psychological aspects of criminals and their relationships with those closest to them.
Killer Women, created by Hannah Shakespeare and premiered in 2014, captivates viewers with intense crime stories. Tricia Helfer plays Molly Parker, the main character. The show explores the world of women who kill, looking at why they did it, how they did it, and the impact of their actions. This offers a look into the minds of these criminals.
Those who enjoy Snapped will also appreciate Killer Women, as both shows investigate what drives these women to commit such awful crimes.
These shows share Snapped's fascination with unraveling criminal motives and exploring the flip side of normal human behavior.