Chelsea Handler's new stand-up special, Chelsea Handler: The Feeling, premieres on March 25, 2025, on Netflix. This 59-minute stand-up special contains Handler's characteristic wit as she discusses personal stories and observations on life, her childhood days, and current issues.
The special is an extension of Handler's profitable partnership with Netflix, having earlier released various stand-up specials. In this new release, Handler satirically pokes fun at contemporary trends, including pickleball, as she shares her life events that have influenced her worldview.
Chelsea Handler: The Feeling will go live on March 25, 2025. Netflix often drops new titles at midnight Pacific Time (PT), so watchful eyes in the United States can begin streaming it from midnight PT that day.
Here are the release dates and times for Chelsea Handler: The Feeling across various regions:
Viewers require an active Netflix subscription to watch the special. The site has different plans available for as low as around $7.99 per month, through which access to numerous films and television programs, as well as Handler's past stand-up specials, is possible.
Chelsea Handler delivers her take on life in this new stand-up special. From promotional teasers and interviews before its release, she discusses a range of subjects that appeal to her fans.
Handler explores childhood experiences that helped mold her, and satirical observations on contemporary trends, such as what she thinks of pickleball.
She also shares personal stories that show her evolution as both a comedian and a person.
Shannon Hartman directs the special, Chelsea Handler: The Feeling, having worked with Handler on other productions in the past. Hartman also directed Handler's special Revolution and has worked on prominent shows such as Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj.
The crew consists of Chelsea Handler as an executive producer and Michelle Caputo, who is well known for producing different comedy specials.
Handler's past specials have been quite successful, presenting her as able to connect with audiences both through humor and with insight.
In the run-up to the release of Chelsea Handler: The Feeling, several promotional materials have emphasized the issues covered in the special. In an interview with Handler featured by Entertainment Weekly, she speaks about being thrilled to tackle issues of today through her prism of humor.
Handler has established a solid reputation in the world of comedy with her past specials like Uganda Be Kidding Me and Revolution, which were well received by both critics and audiences.
Besides her comedic acts, Handler has been involved in raising social causes through her performances. Variety reported that she tends to address relevant issues while maintaining a light-hearted mood.
This tactic goes well with her audience and makes her performances enjoyable and educative.
Chelsea Handler: The Feeling hits the screens on March 25, 2025, exclusively on Netflix.