Meghan Markle has been in the headlines more often since her marriage to Prince Harry. Recently, the Duchess of Sussex once again became a topic of conversation following the announcement of her show With Love, Megan by Netflix.
In a recent conversation with The Mail, Thomas Markle, Meghan's father, and a well-known Hollywood personality, claimed that many things that Meghan shares during the show are not as authentic as it should be. He said,
"She has to think about everything. She's not spontaneous. Everything she says is pre-planned and rehearsed."
Meghan is both the host and executive producer of the lifestyle show, which released on Netflix on March 4, 2025. Some of the guests on the show so far include Vicky Tsai, Chef Roy Choi, Daniel Martin, and Mindy Kaling.
Meghan Markle's estranged father who now resides in the Philippines shared his thoughts on his daughter's new show with The Mail. Though he claimed to have only seen a few clips of the show on the internet, he slammed the show for certain things Meghan said, which he claimed were not true.
In the second episode of the show, Meghan Markle shared her love for jam-making, which was related to a memory of her grandmother, Doris, making apple butter. However, Thomas Markle said that his mother, Doris, whom Meghan lovingly referred to in her show, would be 'spinning in her grave at some of her granddaughter's latest claims.' He also said that she would be disappointed at her granddaughter's decision to not use the 'Markle' surname.
"My mum loved Meghan very much but she would be so disappointed to hear that Meghan no longer wants to use the name "Markle". My mother was proud to be a Markle. So am I. Meghan never had a problem with the Markle name until she met Prince Harry."
The strained relationship between Meghan Markle and her Emmy-winning father reportedly began after he couldn't attend her wedding because he suffered two heart attacks. However, he claims that he is still unsure as to why his daughter "dumped" him.
After watching some of the promotional clips of the show in which Meghan can be seen picking berries, cooking in the kitchen, and gardening, Thomas Markle found his daughter's behavior made up. He said,
"Cooking shows are horrendously boring unless the presenter has a passion for it. You have to be authentic to hold people's attention. When you are stuffing the turkey's a*** it has to look like you're having fun doing it. Unfortunately, Meghan has never been authentic. She has to think about everything. She's not spontaneous. Everything she says is pre-planned and rehearsed. It makes me laugh because I know all her looks and expressions."
Produced by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, With Love, Meghan is an attempt to reinvent lifestyle programming by fusing real-life how-tos with open dialogue. The show is essentially a cooking show but also takes the matter outside of the kitchen as viewers get to see Meghan embracing gardening, fruit picking, and grocery shopping.
With Love, Meghan is available for streaming exclusively on Netflix. Here's how the streaming platform describes the show:
"Meghan, Duchess of Sussex invites friends and famous guests to a beautiful California estate, where she shares cooking, gardening, and hosting tips."
Stay tuned for more news and updates on Meghan Markle and other celebrities.