Grosse Pointe Garden Society episode 5 ending explained: Why do Brett and Alice have a fallout?


Grosse Pointe Garden Society has cast suspicion on another character as the victim of the murder committed by Birdie, Catherine, Alice, and Brett. Episode 5, titled Pollination, dropped on NBC on March 23, 2025, and has answered some questions while raising others.

In episode 5, Brett gets back into the dating game which makes his best friend Alice feel ignored. Toward the end of the episode, Alice meets Brett and asks if he is deliberately avoiding her, Brett says that he has a life of his own and is not getting anything out of their friendship. This hurts Alice and results in the best friends having a fallout.

Note: the article contains spoilers for the drama series.

Grosse Pointe Garden Society: Gary might be the murder victim

Catherine and Gary in Grosse Pointe Garden Society episode 1 (Image via NBC)
Catherine and Gary in Grosse Pointe Garden Society episode 1 (Image via NBC)

In episode 4, Brett and Doug get into a fight over Alice. In the future timeline, the police questioning Brett about Doug's whereabouts made it likely that the latter man was the one who ended up dead that fateful night. The new episode does not reveal whether or not Doug is the one who was murdered. It also makes Gary the possible murder victim.

In the last episode, Gary is kidnapped from the parking lot, and his wife comes to Catherine to ask if she has any idea about his whereabouts since he is not responding to any of her calls and messages. This episode opens with Catherine pondering over what Gary's wife had said. When she brings it up to Tucker, he brushes it off.

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Meanwhile, Gary, who is dressed just in underwear, is thrown out of the van in the same parking lot from where he was kidnapped. The bruises on his face are quite telling of the abuse he faced.

When Catherine sees Gary later at his workplace, she is shocked to see how bruised he is. Gary tells her that it looks worse than it is. Catherine notes that he has a knocked-out tooth. Gary tells her to leave him alone and not relay the news to her husband, making Catherine suspicious.

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When Catherine later mentions to Tucker that she saw Gary, her husband comments about a knocked-out tooth while appearing unfazed otherwise. After Catherine finds out about the camera installed in the smoke detectors, she confronts Tucker about it. Tucker admits that he finds it difficult to trust Catherine again and also that he is the one who sent some guys to rough up Gary.

In the future timeline, Catherine and Amy are taking the dead body to the garden but have to stop for some gas. While searching for some cash in the dead body's pockets, Catherine finds a bottle that has some pills which she decides to trade for some gas.

In the present-day timeline, Gary can be seen taking pills from a similar bottle while placing some boxes in the storeroom. This connection makes him a possible murder victim although there is no telling if it is really him or not.

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Grosse Pointe Garden Society: Why does Birdie meet up with Ford's mother?

Birdie in Grosse Pointe Garden Society episode 1 (Image via NBC)
Birdie in Grosse Pointe Garden Society episode 1 (Image via NBC)

Ford finds out about his father Joel and Birdie's clandestine dates. When Ford meets Birdie again, he tells her he does not want to go to college because things are not good in his parents' marriage. He refuses to take any money from Birdie and asks her to leave his family alone.

Joel confronts Birdie regarding the fact that Ford is refusing to go to college. Birdie informs him that is is because Joel's marriage is in a fragile situation. As the two argue over whether or not Joel has feelings for her, Birdie kisses Joel and he kisses back. This proves Birdie is right. Birdie says that Ford is the smartest of them all for deciding to keep his distance from her.

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Birdie meets an ex who tells her that if she really wants to be Ford's mother, she has no choice in the matter. At the end of the episode, Birdie takes a leap of faith and meets up with Ford's mother. Birdie requests Ford's mother to put their differences aside as they both want the best for Ford who deserves to go to college.

In the future timeline, the shop assistant at the gas station asks Catherine for her bracelet in addition to the pills. Catherine offers him his earrings instead, but he refuses claiming that his mother does not have piercings.

With no other option, Catherine gives him the bracelet, and she and Birdie take the body to the garden where they plan to bury it. Later, viewers learn that the bracelet was a gift from Tucker as his name is engraved inside.

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Grosse Pointe Garden Society is available to stream on NBC and Peacock.