Is Bella Ramsey diagnosed with autism? Everything to know about the latest reveal


With the new season of The Last of Us right around the corner, actor Bella Ramsey has been doing the rounds promoting the show. Starring as Ellie in the hit series based on the iconic PlayStation videogame of the same name, Ramsey was launched into stardom following season one's release. Now, ahead of season 2's release, they have decided to reveal more about their personal life.

In an interview with British Vogue published on March 19, 2025, The Last of Us star confirmed that they were diagnosed with autism during season one of the show. With them having been more closed-off with details of their personal life in the past, this will offer fans a much more detailed look into their world and who they exactly are.

The Last of Us star Bella Ramsey opens up about being diagnosed with autism

In the interview with Vogue, Bella Ramsey revealed how they got to know about their neurodivergence while they were filming the first season of the show. Ramsey realised it when they a crewmember with an autistic daughter had assumed that they might have had it too. This led to Ramsey going through the process of getting it assessed, with the diagnosis coming back positive.

Ramsey further opened up about how they always felt that they might have had autism as they often felt out of place many times and had sensory issues too that were common with people who were on the spectrum. However, they added that being on the spectrum helped them improve their craft.

“I’ve always been watching and learning from people. Having to learn more manually how to socialise and interact with the people around me has helped me with acting," said Ramsey.

They continued:

“I have a call time, and I’m told what to wear, how to stand, where to stand and what to eat.”

They also described being on the spectrum as being "freeing," and added:

“It enables me to walk through the world with more grace towards myself about not being able to do the easy everyday tasks that everyone else seems to be able to do.”

What role does Bella Ramsey play in The Last of Us?

In The Last of Us, Bella Ramsey stars as the character Ellie, a girl who is immune to the cordyceps virus that has taken over the world. Ellie realizes she is immune when she is bit by one of the infected, but instead of turning into a violent being, she remains normal as the bite heals over time.

Being found by the Fireflies, she is given to the smuggler, Joel, who is tasked with taking her to another group of Fireflies. However, the two come across many difficulties throughout their journey, and they travel almost the entirety of the U.S.A. together as they develop a paternal relationship over time.

In the show, Ramsey stars alongside actor Pedro Pascal, who plays Joel. Ramsey will be returning to play the character in season 2 of The Last of Us, which is scheduled to premiere on April 13, 2025, on Max.

Stay tuned for further updates on the show.