The Night Agent is an American action-thriller series based on the novel by Matthew Quirk. Created by Shawn Ryan, it premiered on Netflix on March 23, 2023. Gabriel Basso's character, FBI agent Peter Sutherland, is followed in the show as he gets entangled in a convoluted conspiracy, including a Russian mole.
Robert Duncan, a veteran television and film composer, wrote The Night Agent's music. Duncan worked on Buffy, Castle, and S.W.A.T. His previous work with Shawn Ryan prepared him for this suspenseful and dramatic series.
The tone of The Night Agent is much shaped by music; Duncan's compositions heighten the suspense and emotional depth. Along with collaborations with Sean Pack and Christopher Lord, Duncan's instrumental compositions abound on the soundtrack.
Here is the complete soundtrack list of the movie The Night Agent:
Robert Duncan, the composer of The Night Agent, has an impressive career in film and television music. Born in Toronto, Canada, Duncan discovered his passion for music at an early age.
He composed his first piece in sixth grade and later studied music at York University. Duncan's early work in Canada led him to Los Angeles, where he gained recognition for his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Over the years, Duncan has worked on numerous acclaimed projects, including Castle, Lie to Me, and Timeless. His music often incorporates traditional instruments and unconventional objects to create unique soundscapes. Duncan has won multiple ASCAP awards, solidifying his reputation as a talented and innovative composer.
The narrative of The Night Agent revolves around FBI agent Peter Sutherland, who functions as a telephone line in the basement of the White House. He is driven to take part in a dangerous conspiracy involving a Russian mole at the highest levels of the U.S. government by a phone call one fatal evening.
Along with revealing the truth, Peter is assigned to guard Rose Larkin, a young cybersecurity entrepreneur who is the target of the same conspiracy.
Peter uncovers secrets that lead to the Oval Office as he delves deeper, rendering his mission critical to national security. The series is jam-packed with emotional drama, suspense, and action, ensuring viewers remain fully engaged.
The cast of the series includes:
Stay tuned for more news and updates on The Night Agent and similar projects as the year progresses. Netflix released the first season of The Night Agent on March 23, 2023. The second season will be available to stream on January 23, 2025.