Landman is a brand new series by Taylor Sheridan, centered around the world of oil rigging in West Texas. The show is co-created by Sheridan and Christian Wallace. Landman premiered on Paramount+ on November 17, 2024, and a total of ten episodes will be aired up to January 2025.
The show revolves around the lives of the "roughnecks" and billionaires of West Texas as they navigate the sudden boom in the oil business to make a fortune. It also explores the massive impact of the oil rigs on climate, economy, and geopolitics.
The show is led by Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton), who is the crisis manager of an oil company. According to a 2024 Esquire report, Sheridan has written the role of Timmy keeping Thornton in mind from the get-go. Landman is roughly based on the podcast Boomtown by Texas Monthly magazine and Imperative Entertainment. The podcast was written and hosted by Christian Wallace, a co-creator of the show.
As mentioned earlier, Landman had its digital premiere on Paramount+. The show is available exclusively on Paramount+ and the episodes are being released as per the following schedule:
New episodes are released on Sundays at 3 am ET on Paramount+ and can be viewed through a free 7-day trial or a subscription. A subscription for Paramount+ Essential is currently priced at $7.99 per month and $59.99 per year. The ad-free Paramount+ with SHOWTIME, on the other hand, costs $12.99 per month and $119.99 for the year. Paramount+ can also be added as an add-on to Amazon Prime Video or AppleTV.
Landman explores the harsh realities of the ever-expanding and extremely profitable oil industry. It follows the life of Tommy Norris (Thornton) as he tries to protect his land from the power-hungry billionaires who run the oil industry.
The show delves into Tommy's personal life and highlights the dangers faced by him and his family, as they are threatened by a cartel. Several altercations between Tommy and the cartel form a central theme of the show.
The difficult aspects of Tommy's job are elucidated in the show, along with how the constant threats from the cartel take a toll on him. These factors shine a light on his willpower, strength, and determination and influence his decisions - both personal and professional, in an extremely intense environment.
The star-studded cast of the show is led by Billy Bob Thornton (Fargo, Goliath, Sling Blade), Jon Hamm (Mad Men, Baby Driver, Million Dollar Arm), and Demi Moore (Ghost, St. Elmo's Fire, Indecent Proposal). The cast list includes:
The first seven episodes of Landman are streaming now, only on Paramount+.