Mayfair Witches, a supernatural horror drama, is a captivating series based on Anne Rice’s Lives of the Mayfair Witches. On January 8, 2023, AMC premiered the first season, exploring Mayfair family legacies, magic, and prophecies. Rowan Mayfair is the 13th witch, fulfilling a prophecy that links her to Lasher, in this intriguing story.
The second season of Mayfair Witches has arrived as well, with the first episode Lasher aired on January 5, 2025.
Rowan Fielding, a neurosurgeon, finds out that she is related to the Mayfair family, a group of witches who are connected to an ancient being called Lasher. This is what the story is about. The story is about Rowan figuring out how to use her new powers and deal with dark family secrets.
Power, betrayal, and fate are major themes. The 13th witch's prophecy becomes the main bond between the story's past, present, and future.
The first season of Mayfair Witches was very interesting because it has many layers of story and exciting turns. The show keeps people interested by revealing things like Rowan's family tree and Lasher's dishonesty. Here's more about what the 13th witch means and the important events that shaped her future.
Rowan Mayfair carries the weight of an old prophecy that is important to her family's magical history. It states in the prophecy that the 13th witch will connect to Lasher, an old spirit that gives the Mayfair witches power.
In contrast to the witches who came before her, Rowan's role as the 13th witch is the culmination of the prophecy, linking her life to Lasher's rebirth.
Rowan first gets to know about her fate at the funeral for her mother, when Cortland Mayfair tells her about her special link to Lasher. As Rowan steps into her role, she wears her mother's necklace, which makes her connection with the spirit stronger. This important event sets the stage for her journey into the dark past of her family and the huge power she inherited.
The series slowly reveals what the prophecy means, showing Rowan as both a savior and a pawn in Lasher's bigger plan. Viewers find out that the 13th witch prophecy opens a door for Lasher to go beyond this life through cryptic clues and revelations.
By the end of the season, Rowan's choices have made it clear that she is the one who will carry out the prophecy.
The prophecy of the 13th witch comes true in the last few episodes of Season 1 of Mayfair Witches. Rowan, pregnant with Lasher's child, has a quick pregnancy, which proves the prophecy true. She gives birth to a child in the mausoleum where the magic of her ancestors lives. This is Lasher's rebirth into the world.
Rowan's pregnancy changes her and gives her ancestral powers that let her get revenge for wrongs done in the past. When she finds out that Cortland Mayfair planned her mother's death and fathered her through horrible means, she punishes him by encasing him in stone. Rowan's anger shows how fully she believes the prophecy and how powerful she has become.
Rowan is now in charge of her own life because Lasher has become her child. People, including Ciprien, who try to change her mind are turned down by her.
Rowan takes her child and walks away at the end of the season, showing that she is independent and securing her position as a powerful figure in the Mayfair family.
In Mayfair Witches, Lasher's life has supernatural roots instead of a natural one. Lasher is an ancient being with ties to the Mayfair family. Suzanne Mayfair, an ancestor, called her forth. His essence is linked to the chosen witch of each generation, which gives him power and access to the real world.
Lasher achieves "rebirth" by taking over Rowan Mayfair's unborn child, which is possible because he is connected to her lineage and power. This looping connection lets Lasher keep living while using the Mayfair family to further his own goals.
Mayfair Witches is available to stream on AMC+.