4 potential stipulations for Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena at WWE WrestleMania 41


One of the biggest WrestleMania matches in WWE history has been announced. On either WrestleMania Saturday on April 19th or WrestleMania Sunday on April 20th, John Cena will go one-on-one with Cody Rhodes.

This match is taking place thanks to a very interesting series of events. Naturally, Cody Rhodes is the world champion. John Cena won the Men's Elimination Chamber Match to earn a title opportunity at Elimination Chamber in Toronto.

That isn't it, however. Cena said he was using his stroke to be added to the match without qualifying. From there, he won it, then shockingly turned heel and attacked Cody Rhodes. In doing so, he aligned himself with The Rock and Travis Scott.

Now, the two men will go one-on-one but things have gotten extremely personal and fast. There could be a stipulation added to their impending match to match the intensity of their rivalry. This article will take a look at a handful of potential stipulations Cena and Rhodes could have.

Below are four potential stipulations for Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena at WWE WrestleMania 41.

#4. They could have a standard No DQ match

A No Disqualification Match is a gimmick that has been in WWE and pro wrestling for a long time. The rules are quite simple: anything goes. If a wrestler pulls hair, uses weapons, utilizes interference, or nails a low blow, the referee can't call for the bell.

This match is essentially the same as a No Holds Barred Match, which just took place on WWE RAW with Ludwig Kaiser and Penta. This is also essentially the same match as a Street Fight. Different names for what is ultimately and effectively the same thing.

With the animosity John Cena and Cody Rhodes share, a No Disqualification Match makes a lot of sense. Their issues are far deeper and more personal than that of Kaiser and Penta, so, if they had a gimmick match, so should Cody and John.

#3. Cody Rhodes and John Cena could have an 'I Quit' Match

The 'I Quit' Match is one of WWE's most dangerous bouts. The rules of the match are relatively barbaric in that the only way for a wrestler to win is by having their opponent scream the words "I quit" into a microphone in front of the world.

The most recent 'I Quit' Match took place just last year. Cody Rhodes defended his Undisputed WWE Championship against AJ Styles. In the end, an enraged Cody nearly smashed Styles with steel steps before The Phenomenal One gave up.

While the stipulation is certainly a dangerous one, it would also be quite fitting. John Cena is the epitome of never say die and never give up, or at least was. Now, Cody exemplifies the same thing. Which one will ultimately give up if put into a situation where one has to?

#2. The Rock could announce a Final Boss Rules Match

It is important to not forget The Rock's role in all of this. While WWE hasn't mentioned it as much lately, it wasn't just John Cena who brutalized Cody Rhodes and left him a bloody pulp at the 2025 Elimination Chamber Premium Live Event.

The Rock could make a big impact by adding a stipulation to their upcoming WrestleMania match. More specifically, he could introduce Final Boss Rules to the bout.

This would likely be another dressed up No Disqualification Match. He could add his own twist, however. For example, interference could be banned, with the possible exception of himself and Travis Scott. That would stack the deck against The American Nightmare.

#1. They could clash in a Loser Leaves WWE Match

A Loser Leaves WWE Match is a classic gimmick. In a way, it is pretty self explanatory. Whichever superstar loses the match has to leave the company. It is based on the classic Loser Leaves Town gimmick, which was used in various territories.

Utilizing that stipulation for John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania could be fascinating for one key reason: John is supposed to be retiring at the end of the year. What if his retirement came early?

Alternatively, Cena has promised to ruin pro wrestling for fans. What better way of ruining WWE as fans currently know it than by defeating Cody and banishing him from the promotion? Either way, it would be fascinating to watch for the WWE Universe.