Big E provides a crucial update on his in-ring return to WWE following 3-year injury spell (Exclusive)


As of March 2025, Big E has been out of action for a whopping three years now. He has been asked about his in-ring return status several times, and he provided another crucial update.

Former WWE Champion Big E appeared on the Bowks Talking Bouts podcast with Sportskeeda's own Dylan Bowker. They spoke about a variety of topics, and one of the most notable ones was his take on his in-ring return to WWE.

Big E revealed that the door isn't closed on an in-ring return, but admitted that he has to look at whether he wants to live a healthy life a decade down the line in his 50s. Beyond that, his status remains unchanged:

"I feel great. The wild thing is that it has been over three years now. March 11th, 2022, is when I broke my neck. Right now, the situation is what it has been for a while. The last time I got scanned by C1 hasn't formed a new bone where it's broken, but it has formed cartilage. No pain or restrictions. I know one of our medical staff, who broke her neck playing softball 20 years ago, and she still deals with headaches. I have none of that. I have no headaches, no atrophy, I didn't have surgery. More than anything, I am so grateful to god, to karma, the universe. The creator, whatever magic it is that puts us on earth. I'm happy to have a healthy and normal life. The door is not officially closed on anything. I'm 39 years old right now. I also came into wrestling with a myriad of injuries. So now I'm thinking more about whether I want to have a healthy life. 50 is not that far off for me. It's 11 years down the road." (17:00-18:29)

You can watch the full video below:

Big E elaborated on what would happen if his career were, in fact, over

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Continuing in the same breath, Big E told Dylan Bowker that there is a scenario in which his in-ring career is over. If that happens to be the case, then he insists that he's satisfied with what he accomplished:

"If that is it for me, I'm really satisfied with my career. I got to be WWE Champion, I got to be in a tag team even though we're not on speaking terms - [with] two of my best friends at the time. But I look back at my career, and I'm wildly blessed and fortunate. And I'm just fortunate to parlay that right into a broadcasting career, which I can do for many years to come, hopefully. So, right now, it's still up in the air, nothing has changed with my status, but more than anything, I'm immensely blessed. I have so much of my life that I'm grateful for. I feel like I'm just as busy as I was when I was on the road 4-5 days a week. I've got so many things I'm juggling, and I really like new challenges. So I appreciate everyone who has reached out and asked how I am. But as of now, there's nothing conclusive to report, but I love what I'm doing right now, and I'm really grateful for that." (18:30-19:30)

Big E is essentially a surefire future Hall of Famer, and over the years, he could be another two-time Hall of Famer. While he is most known for his accomplishments with The New Day, he still branched out and was highly successful in his singles career.

Indeed, it's an incredible career to look back on, going back to his days as an impressive up-and-coming developmental star in NXT. Some forget that Big E was the second-ever NXT Champion, and a dominant one at that. His individual accomplishments alone make him a Hall of Fame-worthy candidate.

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