Love of the Irish is a Hallmark Channel romantic drama that premiered on Saturday. The 1-hour-and-24-minute-long film, directed by Ali Liebert, deals with love and self-discovery. It is produced by Edwina Forkin and executive produced by Jeff Holland, Lexi Lewis and Stan Spry. The movie is an Evoke Entertainment production for a release by Hallmark Channel.
Filmed on location in the beautiful County Cork, Ireland, in October and November 2024, Love of the Irish uses the region's beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage to tell its story.
The lead characters are Shenae Grimes-Beech as Fiona, Stephen Hagan as Liam, and Moira Kelly as Fiona's mom. The movie follows, Fiona, who tries to change bad luck, and goes with her mom to Ireland, where she meets Liam, a charming single dad who helps her learn how to accept fate and the possibilities in love.
Love of the Irish received a 6.8/10 rating on IMDB. As a bit of fun trivia, the movie included a rare Irish breed, the Glen of Imaal Terrier named Tarka.
Love of the Irish not only takes viewers on a tour of the beautiful landscapes of Ireland but also explores deep into human emotions. This article will explore the locations where the movie was shot.
Love of the Irish was filmed on location in Ireland, primarily in the County Cork region, one of the country’s most picturesque areas. According to IMDb, the filming was done in late October and early November 2024. County Cork, the largest and southernmost county in Ireland, provided the perfect backdrop for the movie’s romantic and scenic moments.
Shenae Grimes-Beech, who stars as Fiona, shared her enthusiasm about filming in Ireland through social media. As per, Grimes-Beech described Ireland as "bloody gorgeous" on an Instagram post and joked about her Irish accent being better in text than in person.
She also mentioned that after wrapping filming on November 3, she’d be sad to leave.
One of the notable filming locations was an Irish mansion built in the 1700s, where Grimes-Beech posted a fun behind-the-scenes photo, portraying herself as the "forlorn lady of the manor." As per Grimes-Beech's post, the mansion's timeless beauty was a key element in capturing the romantic atmosphere of the film.
This memorable shoot in County Cork left a lasting impression on everyone involved, with many viewers including Erin E. Gross from lauding the visual scenery of Ireland in an article published on Saturday.
"I really want to go to Ireland and an Irish pub." "I love the green of Ireland" - Erin E. Gross from
The official synopsis of the movie on Hallmark reads:
"Tired of her bad luck, Fiona takes her mom on a trip to Ireland to turn things around where she meets a charming single dad who helps her make her own luck. Stars Shenae Grimes-Beech, Stephen Hagan, Moira Kelly."
The plot reveals Fionna's whole life is all about dancing in Love of the Irish. But then comes the audition of a lifetime, and is put into a tough dilemma by her boss: stay on the job or lose it entirely. She takes the risk, misses out on the callback, and gets fired.
Still trying to cope, she finds a letter from her grandmother that sets off some questions her mom doesn't seem willing to answer. On a whim, running on little sleep, Fiona books a trip for the two of them to Ireland and lands in a small town connected to the mysterious letter.
Now, the two drop into a local pub in Ireland, where Fiona meets Liam, an unsuspecting but charming stranger. Their encounter is marked by witty banter and a playful darts match. There's some initial friction between them, but there's an undeniable spark.
As Fiona continues to explore Ireland, she secretly investigates her mother's roots, which brings about a heartfelt reunion between her mom and her birth mother, arguably the emotional heart of the film.
Liam helps Fiona to grab the unexpected joys of life, and Ireland will inspire her to rediscover her love for dancing. Through Love of the Irish, Fiona learns that chasing dreams often means finding new ones along the way.
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