The documentary television series Moonshiners follows individuals in the Appalachian Mountains who produce illegal moonshine. The show premiered on the Discovery Channel on December 6, 2011. As of January 2025, it is in its 14th season. The latest installment began on November 12, 2024, continuing to document the risks and evolving methods used by those in the trade.
According to The Direct on November 14, 2024, Moonshiners cast member Josh Owens suffered a severe motorcycle accident at Daytona International Speedway in Florida on March 4, 2023. While racing, he lost control just before the final turn and collided with the wall at approximately 80 miles per hour.
Despite the extent of his injuries, Owens returned for Season 13 of Moonshiners, initially appearing bedridden. By season 14, he had regained mobility and was actively participating in the show again.
Moonshiners star Josh Owens was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on March 4, 2023, while participating in a race at Florida’s Daytona International Speedway. During the event, he lost control coming around the final turn and crashed into the wall at approximately 80 miles per hour.
The impact resulted in multiple severe injuries, including fractures in his neck, back, left arm, and legs.
According to The Direct (November 14, 2024), Owens was placed in a coma for 10 days following the accident to stabilize his condition. When he regained consciousness, he was left wheelchair-bound and faced significant medical expenses.
The financial burden was substantial, but his Moonshiners castmates and the local community stepped in to help.
Fellow cast member Steven "Tickle" Ray organized a fundraiser at Rocky Mount Smokehouse, which also served as a birthday gathering for Owens.
Speaking about the overwhelming support, Owens expressed his gratitude, stating,
“I’m just an ol’ country boy who happens to be on TV. I’m blessed by God to be given a second chance at life, and the opportunity to leave a better legacy.The support is humbling and so appreciated.” (The Direct, November 14, 2024).
Despite his injuries, Owens returned in the Season 13 premiere, appearing in a bed and wheelchair while continuing to participate in the show. Frustrated with the slow pace of his recovery, he leaned on his castmates for support.
By season 14, Owens had made substantial progress, regaining mobility and standing on his feet. Speaking about his recovery, he stated:
"I've had a really hard time over the last year recovering from my accident... Last year was about getting back up on my feet. But this year, I got big plans."(The Direct, November 14, 2024).
Before joining the show, Josh was a professional motocross racer and won the North Carolina state championship in 2003 and 2004. His entry into moonshining was influenced by his mentor, Barney Barnwell, a respected figure in the craft.
After Barnwell’s passing, Owens and his friend Bill Canny worked on completing an underground still project in his honour.
This project ultimately led to their participation in Moonshiners, where Owens became a key figure in the series.
Season 14 of Moonshiners continues to air on Discovery Channel every Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET, with episodes available for streaming later on Max.
Stay tuned for more updates.