XO, Kitty is an American romantic-comedy series that premiered on May 18, 2023, on Netflix, with its first season. The show returned with its second installment, featuring eight episodes, on January 16, 2025. Created by Jenny Han, the series is a spin-off of the film trilogy To All the Boys, released between 2018 and 2021. The drama series is produced by Liz Brandenburg, Don Dunn, Alanna Bennett, and George Northy.
XO, Kitty centers on the high school student, Kitty Song Covey, who navigates romance, friendships, and family drama while studying at the Korean Independent School of Seoul. Anna Cathcart, who plays Kitty, is a Canadian actress who is half-Chinese and half-Irish.
The show's official logline, as per Netflix, reads:
"Following her heart to an elite high school in Seoul, teen matchmaker Kitty learns that life, love and family are more complicated than she ever imagined."
Anna Cathcart is a Canadian actress, born in Vancouver on June 16, 2003. Her parents are Jaime Cathcart and Mamie Cathcart, she also has an older sister named Sara. Anna is of Chinese descent on her mother's side and has Irish ancestry on her father's side. According to an Instagram post dated July 15, 2020, Anna's mother worked as a school teacher. However, nothing is known about her father's profession.
Like Anna, her older sister also began acting at a young age and had a talent agent by age six or seven. In an interview with Euphoria magazine in May 2023, Anna talked about giving her first audition at 12 because growing up, she saw Sara doing a few commercials and she "idolized" her older sister. Sara now works as a fitness trainer and has 58.5K followers on Instagram.
In an interview with Vulture in August 2018, the Odd Squad actress opened up about her close bond with her sister, Sara, by saying:
"I feel like the biggest similarity between me and Kitty is probably how close she is with her sisters and family. I am really close with my older sister. Kitty with Lara Jean is kind of how I interact with my sisters, like having movie marathons at home and hanging out with them on the weekend," she said.
XO, Kitty focuses on the American teenager Kitty Song-Covey (Anna Cathcart), who travels to South Korea to study at the Korean Independent School of Seoul (KISS) on a full scholarship. Her long distance boyfriend Dae (Choi Min-young) studies at the same school, but a misunderstanding leads her to think that he is dating Yuri (Gia Kim), the school's rich student.
Yuri, who is in love with Juliana (Regan Aliyah), pays Dae to be her pretend boyfriend for the sake of her parents. Kitty befriends Yuri as their mothers were best friends in high school in the early 1990s. With Kitty's help, Yuri learns that she has a half-brother, Professor Alex Finnerty Lee (Peter Thurnwald).
While dating Dae, Kitty develops a crush on Yuri, which the latter learns about in the show's second season. Juliana breaks up with her girlfriend after finding out that Kitty and Yuri had secretly kissed. Also, Dae's best friend Min Ho (Sang Heon Lee) fancies Kitty and, by the end of XO, Kitty season 2, she falls for him as well.
In season 1, Kitty discovers that her mother came to South Korea to meet her cousin brother, Simon. She later gets to know that her grandmother had a fallout with her family after she fell in love with an American man. Her grandma left her home country and settled in the United States, where she raised her daughter and granddaughter.
Before her death, Kitty's mom Eve had tried to bring her mother back to South Korea to reunite their family. Kitty tracks down her cousin, Jiwon and fulfills her mother's wish to reunite her (Kitty's grandmother) with her family.
Also Read: Netflix yet to greenlight XO, Kitty season 3 despite the show’s popularity
Stay tuned for more news and the latest updates on the Netflix series XO, Kitty.